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 Autumn Care of your composite decking
22 Oct 2019
Well it seems like it has been a short summer but here at decking superstore we hope that you have all enjoyed your outdoor decking this year and many of you have experienced the benefits of composite decking for the first time and we hope that you have experienced the low maintenance aspects of composite.

Composite is low maintenance but it is not completely care free and it is now time to give your composite decking some TLC ready for the winter just around the corner.

What sort of things do I need to do you may ask

Well it is important to protect your decking through the winter from any metal garden furniture that is prone to rusting as this can add stains to your composite through the winter so either put something under the feet or remove the furniture completely through the winter.

Any wooden furniture or plastic furniture it is important to secure this down so that it doesn’t blow over in high winds and damage your decking so make sure everything is secure.

Now is a good time to give the deck a good clean, with composite a simple soapy water wash should in most cases suffice and a hose down with some composite products, it is okay to use a jet wash but be careful on how close you hold the nozzle to the deck and what power setting you use as with some latest jet washers they are so powerful they can damage paving or brickwork so composite is much softer so opt for caution.

With stubborn stains on mono composite products these can be sanded out lightly with fine grit sandpaper or a wire brush dependent on the surface finish of your board but always check with your manufacturers guidelines and remember co extruded composites cannot be sanded and attempting to do this could seriously damage your board so always check.

Throughout the winter it is a good idea to keep your decking free of any type of leaves as these can rot and cause the decking to become slippery and talking about slippery decks with any outdoor flooring it is very important that you exercise caution when going outside because surface ice can be extremely slippery and dangerous .

Remember we are open all year around so if you still looking for decking you can check our latest offers now and throughout the winter.

For any advice on Plastideck Composite Decking Plastideck boards can be dispatched nationwide within 24 hours of order.

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